Legal Notice

Information and disclosure according to § 25 MedienG, § 5 (1) ECG, § 63 GewO and § 14 UGB

Website operator: BITconsult IT-Solutions KG
Commercial register number: 603811h
Commercial register court: Vienna Commercial Court

Address: Dresdner Strasse 62/3/5, A-1200 Vienna

VAT: ATU79496902
Trade supervisory authority: Magistratisches Bezirksamt des XX. Bezirkes (Municipal District Office of the XX. District), Vienna
Memberships: Member of the Austrian Economic Chamber, Business Consulting, Accounting and Information Technology Division (UBIT)

Contact details:
Phone: +43 650 7705 419
E-mail: [email protected]

Applicable legislation: Gewerbeordnung (Austrian Trade Act), see
Professional title: Software Engineering & IT Project Management

Online dispute resolution: Consumers with an establishment in Austria or another contracting state of the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) regulation have the opportunity to make use of the European Commission’s ODR via the following platform in the event of problems regarding the purchase of goods or services against payment:

Copyright: The content provided on this website is, as far as legally possible, subject to various intellectual property rights (e.g. copyright). Any use or dissemination of provided material requires the written consent of the website operator.

Disclaimer: The operator of this website has checked and selected all content as well as outgoing links with the greatest possible degree of care. Nevertheless, no liability is assumed for the content of external websites. The respective operator is solely responsible for this. In the event that you become aware of outgoing links that refer to a page with illegal activity or illegal content, we ask you to inform the e-mail address listed above in order to remove the affected links immediately in accordance with § 17 (2) ECG.
The copyrights of third parties are respected by the operator of this website with the greatest care. If you become aware of a copyright infringement, we also ask you to inform us accordingly. If such violations become known, the website operator will immediately remove the affected content.

Company profiles on social media platforms:
This legal notice also applies to our company profiles on the following social media platforms: